10.10.2013 15:10 -
ЦИТИРАНЕ *Правила на университета Ръскин * англ. ез- 3 от 4
Правила за цитирането откъс 3 (3 от 4)
Higher Education Act 2004. (c.8), London: HMSO.
For Acts prior to 1963, the regal year and parliamentary session are included:
Road Transport Lighting Act 1957. (5&6 Eliz. 2, c.51), London: HMSO.
If you need to refer to a specific section and paragraph, include the section,
paragraph number and subsection.
Finance Act 2007. s.45(9)(b).
4.2 Statutory Instruments
The required elements for a reference are:
Short title (with key words capitalized). Year. the abbreviation "SI" followed by the
year of publication and the SI number. Place of publication: Publisher.
Public Offers of Securities Regulations 1995. SI 1995/1537. London:
4.3 Official publications such as Command Papers
The required elements for a reference are:
Authorship, which may be part of the title. Year. Title, in italics if a separate
element, Offically assigned number such as a Command number as it is on the
document, within brackets, Place of publication: Publisher.
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 23
Royal Commission on civil liability and compensation for personal injury,
1978. (Pearson Report) (Cmnd. 7054) London: HMSO.
Select Committee on nationalised industries (1978-9). Consumers and the
nationalised industries: prelegislative hearings (HC 334, 1978-9) London:
4.4 Law reports
It is recommended that you follow accepted legal citation, which is not part of
the Harvard system. For this the required elements for a reference are:
Name of the parties involved in the law case, Year of reporting (in square
brackets where there is no volume, or round brackets as indicated by the
reference you are using) abbreviation for the law reporting series, part
number/case number/page reference if available.
Jones v Lipman [1962] 1 WLR 832.
Saidi v France (1994) 17 EHRR 251, p.245.
R v White (John Henry) [2005] EWCA Crim 689, 2005 WL 104528.
In the last example you should only quote the two law reports if you have
used them.
An intext reference for the above example would read:
In the recent case of R v White (John Henry) (2005), the defence noted …
4.5 Annual report
The required elements for a reference are:
Corporate author, Year. Full title of annual report. Place of publication: Publisher.
Marks & Spencer, 2004. The way forward, Annual report 2003-2004.
London: Marks & Spencer.
For an e-version of an annual report the required elements for a reference are:
Author or corporate author, Year. Title of document or page. [type of medium]
Available at: include web site address/URL(Uniform Resource Locator)
[Accessed date].
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 24
Marks & Spencer, 2004. Annual report 2003-2004. [online]
Available at:
[Accessed 4 June 2005]
It is good practice to keep in your files a copy of the front page of any
website you use containing reference details
4.6 Archive material
If you have used material from Archives or Special collections, the required
elements for a reference are:
Author, Initials., Year.Title of document. [type of medium]. Collection, Document
number. Geographical Town/Place: Name of Library/Archive/Repository.
Brown, P.S., 1915. An address to the Farmer. [manuscript] Holdbury
Collection. 600. London. Holdbury Library.
An intext reference for the above example would read:
(Brown, 1915)
4.7 British Standard and International Standards
The required elements for a reference are:
Corporate author, Year. Identifying letters and numbers and full title of BS. Place
of publication: Publisher.
British Standards Institution, 1990. BS 5555:1990 Recommendations for
wiring identification. Milton Keynes: BSI.
International Standards Office, 1998. ISO 690 – 2 Information and
documentation: Bibliographical references: Electronic documents.
Geneva: ISO.
4.7 Patent
The required elements for a reference are:
Inventor name, Initial(s)., Assignee.,Year.Title. Place. Patent number (status, if
an application).
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 25
Graham, C.P., Fonti, L. and Martinez, A.M., 1972. American Sugar Co.
Tableting sugar and compositions containing it. U.S. Pat. 3,642,535.
Leonard, Y., Super Sports Limited., 2008. Tin can manufacture and
method of sealing. Canada. Pat. 12,789,675.
4.9 Conference report
The required elements for a reference are:
Authorship/author, editor or organisation, Year. Full title of conference report.
Location, Date, Place of publication: Publisher.
UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs),
2005. 6th Global forum on reinventing government: towards participatory
and transparent governance. Seoul, Republic of Korea 24-27 May 2005.
New York: United Nations.
4.10 Conference paper
The required elements for a reference are:
Authorship, Year. Full title of conference paper. In: followed by editor or name of
organisation, Full title of conference. Location, Date, Place of publication:
Brown, J., 2005. Evaluating surveys of transparent governance. In:
UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs),
6th Global forum on reinventing government: towards participatory and
transparent governance. Seoul, Republic of Korea 24-27 May 2005. New
York: United Nations.
4.11 Dissertation
The required elements for a reference are:
Author, Year of publication. Title of dissertation. Level. Official name of
Richmond, J., 2005. Customer expectations in the world of electronic
banking: a case study of the Bank of Britain. Ph. D. Anglia Ruskin
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 26
4.12 DVD, video or film
The required elements for a reference are:
Full title of DVD or video. Year of release. [type of medium] Director. (if relevant)
Country of origin: Film studio or maker. (Other relevant details).
Great films from the 80s: a selection of clips from Warner Brothers top
films from the 1980s. 2005. [DVD] New York: Warner Brothers.
Health for all children 3: the video., 2004. [video] London: Child Growth
Foundation. (Narrated by D.B.M. Hall).
For a film the suggested elements should include:
Title. Year of release. [medium] Director. Country of origin: Film studio.
Macbeth, 1948. [film] Directed by Orson Welles. USA: Republic Pictures.
4.13 Broadcasts
For a broadcast the suggested elements should include:
Series title and episode name and number if relevant, Year of broadcast. [type of
medium] Broadcasting organisation and Channel, date and time of transmission.
Little Britain, 2006. [TV programme] BBC, BBC2, 30 January 2006 20.00.
4.14 EU documents
Following EU conventions, examples of various EU documents are given below:
The required elements for a reference are:
The name of the Institution where the document originates (e.g. Commission)
Form (eg Directive or Decision) Year/Legislation number/
Initials of Institution followed by the date it was passed if known, followed by the
title, all in italics.
Council Directive 2001/29 /EC of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of
certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society.
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 27
Commission Decision 93/42/EEC of 21 December 1992 concerning
additional guarantees relating to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis for
bovines destined for Denmark.
EU Regulation 1408/71
REGULATION (EEC) No 1408/71 OF THE COUNCIL of 14 June 1971 on
the application of social security schemes to employed persons and their
families moving within the Community.
Council Regulation (EEC) 1612/68[5] of 15 October 1968 on freedom of
movement for workers within the Community.
4.15 Course material
It is important to check with the lecturer who has given the lecture that they are in
agreement with course material being included in any Reference List. If they are
in agreement, and if it is not a publicly available document, it is important to
provide a copy in the Appendix of your work. The citation to the course material
in your Reference List should then also refer to the Appendix.
It would also be advisable to follow up any sources mentioned in your lecture and
read these for yourself.
Course material / lecture notes – print version
The required elements for a reference are:
Lecturer/Author, initial. Year. ‘Title of item’, Module Code Module title. HE
Institution, unpublished.
Williams, B., 2008. Guide to project management, BD45001S
Management. Anglia Ruskin University, unpublished.
An intext reference for the above example would read:
(Williams, 2008)
Course material – electronic
The required elements for a reference are:
Lecturer/Author name, initial. Year. ‘Title of item’,
Module Code Module Title [online via internal VLE], HE Institution.
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 28
Available at: web address if available over the internet, otherwise indicate if
available through WebCT, SharePoint or other virtual learning environment
[Accessed date].
Williams, B., 2008. Guide to project management, BD45001S
Management. [online via internal VLE] Anglia Ruskin University Available
Approved MaterialSem 2> [Accessed Date 13 June 2008].
An intext reference for the above examples would read:
(Williams, 2008) ...
4.16 Map
The required elements for a reference are:
Map maker, Year of issue. Title of map. Map series, Sheet number, scale,
Place of publication: Publisher.
Ordnance Survey, 2006. Chester and North Wales. Landranger series,
Sheet 106, 1:50000, Southampton: Ordnance Survey.
4.17 Quotations from written plays
When reviewing a number of different plays it is essential to cite the title of the
plays. If reviewing one play (for example Twelfth Night) it is not necessary to
repeat the title in your citations.
Published plays may contain line numbers, particularly in classic texts such as
Shakespeare. If they exist it is good practice to include the line number, but Act
and Scene numbers must always be included.
Classic plays are available in edited editions and the editor’s name should be
included with your reference.
The required elements for a reference are:
Author, Initials., Year (of the edition). Title of play. Editors, Edition. (only include
this if not the first edition) Place of publication: (this must be a town or city, not a
country) Publisher.
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 29
Shakespeare, W. 1995. Twelfth Night, (World’s Classics series) Warren, R
and Wells, T. eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press
An intext reference for the above examples would read:
Much speculation has occurred when Malvolio imagines he might marry
Olivia, “there is example for’t; the Lady of the Strachy married the yeoman
of the wardrobe” (Shakeapeare, Twelfth Night Act 2 Scene 5 Line no 36-
4.18 Pictures, images and photographs
The suggested elements for a reference are:
Artist/Photographer’s name (if known), Year of production. Title of image. [type of
medium] Collection Details as available (Collection, Document number,
Geographical Town/Place: Name of Library/Archive/Repository).
Beaton, C., 1956. Marilyn Monroe. [photograph] (Marilyn Monroe’s own
private collection).
Beaton, C., 1944. China 1944: A mother resting her head on her sick
child"s pillow in the Canadian Mission Hospital in Chengtu. [photograph]
(Imperial War Museum Collection).
For an electronic reference the suggested elements are:
Artist/Photographer’s name, Year of production. Title of image. [type of medium]
Available at: include web site address/URL(Uniform Resource Locator) and
additional details of access, such as the routing from the homepage of the
source.[Accessed date].
Dean, R, 2008 Tales from Topographic Oceans. [electronic print] Available
[Accessed 18 June 2008].
4.19 Interviews
Where you have conducted an interview - from a primary source*
*You are recommended to check with your Faculty Office for detailed guidance on what you may
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 30
Where you are conducting the interview, it is important to check with the person
being interviewed that they will be in agreement with a transcript of the interview
being made available. Since this will not be a publicly available document, it may
be included as a transcript within an Appendix in your piece of work.
The citation for this interview should refer to the Appendix.
In an interview (Appendix A) the findings of the report were reviewed and
White agreed with …
In the Appendix you should include details such as:
Interviewee’s name. Year of interview. Title of interview.. Interviewed by …name.
[type of medium/format] Location and exact date of interview . Together with the
Where you are using an interview from a source such as a television
The suggested elements for a reference are:
Interviewee name, and initial(s)., Year of Interview. Title of Interview (or Interview
on ..name of programme)
Interviewed by …name. [type of medium/format] Name of Channel, Date of
transmission, time of
Ahern, B., 1999. Interview on Morning Ireland Interviewed by… John Boyd
[radio] RTE Radio 1, 15 February 1999, 08:30.
An intext reference for the above examples would read:
(Ahern, 1999) ...
4.20 Press release
These may be paper or electronic.
For a paper resource:
Corporate author of press release, Year. Title. Press release and date.
RCN, 2009. RCN praises health care staff as infections continue
to fall. Press release, 18 June 2009.
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 31
Corporate author of press release, Year. Title. [press release] date,
Available at: web address
[Accessed date].
RCN, 2009. RCN praises health care staff as infections continue to fall.
[press release] 18 June 2009, Available at:
[Accessed 23 June 2009].
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 32
5.1 Websites
For websites found on the worldwide web the required elements for a reference
Authorship or Source, Year. Title of web document or web page. [type of
(date of update if available) Available at: include web site address/URL (Uniform
Resource Locator) [Accessed date].
If the URL appears to be exceedingly long, provide routing details which enable
the reader to access the particular page via the site’s homepage. You may be
taken to a particular page as a result of a search you performed, or be directed
from a link to another place on a website. The resultant URLs may include
specific data about your method of accessing that page that is not available to
your reader. If this is the case use the homepage (from which the reference can
be found).
Static URL
NHS Evidence, 2003. National Library of Guidelines. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 10 October 2009 ]
Dynamic URL
We have highlighted the part of the URL that shows this is a dynamic search. If
this is not available to everyone, use the second example below:
Higher Education Act 2004. (c.8), London: HMSO.
For Acts prior to 1963, the regal year and parliamentary session are included:
Road Transport Lighting Act 1957. (5&6 Eliz. 2, c.51), London: HMSO.
If you need to refer to a specific section and paragraph, include the section,
paragraph number and subsection.
Finance Act 2007. s.45(9)(b).
4.2 Statutory Instruments
The required elements for a reference are:
Short title (with key words capitalized). Year. the abbreviation "SI" followed by the
year of publication and the SI number. Place of publication: Publisher.
Public Offers of Securities Regulations 1995. SI 1995/1537. London:
4.3 Official publications such as Command Papers
The required elements for a reference are:
Authorship, which may be part of the title. Year. Title, in italics if a separate
element, Offically assigned number such as a Command number as it is on the
document, within brackets, Place of publication: Publisher.
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 23
Royal Commission on civil liability and compensation for personal injury,
1978. (Pearson Report) (Cmnd. 7054) London: HMSO.
Select Committee on nationalised industries (1978-9). Consumers and the
nationalised industries: prelegislative hearings (HC 334, 1978-9) London:
4.4 Law reports
It is recommended that you follow accepted legal citation, which is not part of
the Harvard system. For this the required elements for a reference are:
Name of the parties involved in the law case, Year of reporting (in square
brackets where there is no volume, or round brackets as indicated by the
reference you are using) abbreviation for the law reporting series, part
number/case number/page reference if available.
Jones v Lipman [1962] 1 WLR 832.
Saidi v France (1994) 17 EHRR 251, p.245.
R v White (John Henry) [2005] EWCA Crim 689, 2005 WL 104528.
In the last example you should only quote the two law reports if you have
used them.
An intext reference for the above example would read:
In the recent case of R v White (John Henry) (2005), the defence noted …
4.5 Annual report
The required elements for a reference are:
Corporate author, Year. Full title of annual report. Place of publication: Publisher.
Marks & Spencer, 2004. The way forward, Annual report 2003-2004.
London: Marks & Spencer.
For an e-version of an annual report the required elements for a reference are:
Author or corporate author, Year. Title of document or page. [type of medium]
Available at: include web site address/URL(Uniform Resource Locator)
[Accessed date].
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 24
Marks & Spencer, 2004. Annual report 2003-2004. [online]
Available at:
[Accessed 4 June 2005]
It is good practice to keep in your files a copy of the front page of any
website you use containing reference details
4.6 Archive material
If you have used material from Archives or Special collections, the required
elements for a reference are:
Author, Initials., Year.Title of document. [type of medium]. Collection, Document
number. Geographical Town/Place: Name of Library/Archive/Repository.
Brown, P.S., 1915. An address to the Farmer. [manuscript] Holdbury
Collection. 600. London. Holdbury Library.
An intext reference for the above example would read:
(Brown, 1915)
4.7 British Standard and International Standards
The required elements for a reference are:
Corporate author, Year. Identifying letters and numbers and full title of BS. Place
of publication: Publisher.
British Standards Institution, 1990. BS 5555:1990 Recommendations for
wiring identification. Milton Keynes: BSI.
International Standards Office, 1998. ISO 690 – 2 Information and
documentation: Bibliographical references: Electronic documents.
Geneva: ISO.
4.7 Patent
The required elements for a reference are:
Inventor name, Initial(s)., Assignee.,Year.Title. Place. Patent number (status, if
an application).
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 25
Graham, C.P., Fonti, L. and Martinez, A.M., 1972. American Sugar Co.
Tableting sugar and compositions containing it. U.S. Pat. 3,642,535.
Leonard, Y., Super Sports Limited., 2008. Tin can manufacture and
method of sealing. Canada. Pat. 12,789,675.
4.9 Conference report
The required elements for a reference are:
Authorship/author, editor or organisation, Year. Full title of conference report.
Location, Date, Place of publication: Publisher.
UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs),
2005. 6th Global forum on reinventing government: towards participatory
and transparent governance. Seoul, Republic of Korea 24-27 May 2005.
New York: United Nations.
4.10 Conference paper
The required elements for a reference are:
Authorship, Year. Full title of conference paper. In: followed by editor or name of
organisation, Full title of conference. Location, Date, Place of publication:
Brown, J., 2005. Evaluating surveys of transparent governance. In:
UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs),
6th Global forum on reinventing government: towards participatory and
transparent governance. Seoul, Republic of Korea 24-27 May 2005. New
York: United Nations.
4.11 Dissertation
The required elements for a reference are:
Author, Year of publication. Title of dissertation. Level. Official name of
Richmond, J., 2005. Customer expectations in the world of electronic
banking: a case study of the Bank of Britain. Ph. D. Anglia Ruskin
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 26
4.12 DVD, video or film
The required elements for a reference are:
Full title of DVD or video. Year of release. [type of medium] Director. (if relevant)
Country of origin: Film studio or maker. (Other relevant details).
Great films from the 80s: a selection of clips from Warner Brothers top
films from the 1980s. 2005. [DVD] New York: Warner Brothers.
Health for all children 3: the video., 2004. [video] London: Child Growth
Foundation. (Narrated by D.B.M. Hall).
For a film the suggested elements should include:
Title. Year of release. [medium] Director. Country of origin: Film studio.
Macbeth, 1948. [film] Directed by Orson Welles. USA: Republic Pictures.
4.13 Broadcasts
For a broadcast the suggested elements should include:
Series title and episode name and number if relevant, Year of broadcast. [type of
medium] Broadcasting organisation and Channel, date and time of transmission.
Little Britain, 2006. [TV programme] BBC, BBC2, 30 January 2006 20.00.
4.14 EU documents
Following EU conventions, examples of various EU documents are given below:
The required elements for a reference are:
The name of the Institution where the document originates (e.g. Commission)
Form (eg Directive or Decision) Year/Legislation number/
Initials of Institution followed by the date it was passed if known, followed by the
title, all in italics.
Council Directive 2001/29 /EC of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of
certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society.
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 27
Commission Decision 93/42/EEC of 21 December 1992 concerning
additional guarantees relating to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis for
bovines destined for Denmark.
EU Regulation 1408/71
REGULATION (EEC) No 1408/71 OF THE COUNCIL of 14 June 1971 on
the application of social security schemes to employed persons and their
families moving within the Community.
Council Regulation (EEC) 1612/68[5] of 15 October 1968 on freedom of
movement for workers within the Community.
4.15 Course material
It is important to check with the lecturer who has given the lecture that they are in
agreement with course material being included in any Reference List. If they are
in agreement, and if it is not a publicly available document, it is important to
provide a copy in the Appendix of your work. The citation to the course material
in your Reference List should then also refer to the Appendix.
It would also be advisable to follow up any sources mentioned in your lecture and
read these for yourself.
Course material / lecture notes – print version
The required elements for a reference are:
Lecturer/Author, initial. Year. ‘Title of item’, Module Code Module title. HE
Institution, unpublished.
Williams, B., 2008. Guide to project management, BD45001S
Management. Anglia Ruskin University, unpublished.
An intext reference for the above example would read:
(Williams, 2008)
Course material – electronic
The required elements for a reference are:
Lecturer/Author name, initial. Year. ‘Title of item’,
Module Code Module Title [online via internal VLE], HE Institution.
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 28
Available at: web address if available over the internet, otherwise indicate if
available through WebCT, SharePoint or other virtual learning environment
[Accessed date].
Williams, B., 2008. Guide to project management, BD45001S
Management. [online via internal VLE] Anglia Ruskin University Available
Approved MaterialSem 2> [Accessed Date 13 June 2008].
An intext reference for the above examples would read:
(Williams, 2008) ...
4.16 Map
The required elements for a reference are:
Map maker, Year of issue. Title of map. Map series, Sheet number, scale,
Place of publication: Publisher.
Ordnance Survey, 2006. Chester and North Wales. Landranger series,
Sheet 106, 1:50000, Southampton: Ordnance Survey.
4.17 Quotations from written plays
When reviewing a number of different plays it is essential to cite the title of the
plays. If reviewing one play (for example Twelfth Night) it is not necessary to
repeat the title in your citations.
Published plays may contain line numbers, particularly in classic texts such as
Shakespeare. If they exist it is good practice to include the line number, but Act
and Scene numbers must always be included.
Classic plays are available in edited editions and the editor’s name should be
included with your reference.
The required elements for a reference are:
Author, Initials., Year (of the edition). Title of play. Editors, Edition. (only include
this if not the first edition) Place of publication: (this must be a town or city, not a
country) Publisher.
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 29
Shakespeare, W. 1995. Twelfth Night, (World’s Classics series) Warren, R
and Wells, T. eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press
An intext reference for the above examples would read:
Much speculation has occurred when Malvolio imagines he might marry
Olivia, “there is example for’t; the Lady of the Strachy married the yeoman
of the wardrobe” (Shakeapeare, Twelfth Night Act 2 Scene 5 Line no 36-
4.18 Pictures, images and photographs
The suggested elements for a reference are:
Artist/Photographer’s name (if known), Year of production. Title of image. [type of
medium] Collection Details as available (Collection, Document number,
Geographical Town/Place: Name of Library/Archive/Repository).
Beaton, C., 1956. Marilyn Monroe. [photograph] (Marilyn Monroe’s own
private collection).
Beaton, C., 1944. China 1944: A mother resting her head on her sick
child"s pillow in the Canadian Mission Hospital in Chengtu. [photograph]
(Imperial War Museum Collection).
For an electronic reference the suggested elements are:
Artist/Photographer’s name, Year of production. Title of image. [type of medium]
Available at: include web site address/URL(Uniform Resource Locator) and
additional details of access, such as the routing from the homepage of the
source.[Accessed date].
Dean, R, 2008 Tales from Topographic Oceans. [electronic print] Available
[Accessed 18 June 2008].
4.19 Interviews
Where you have conducted an interview - from a primary source*
*You are recommended to check with your Faculty Office for detailed guidance on what you may
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 30
Where you are conducting the interview, it is important to check with the person
being interviewed that they will be in agreement with a transcript of the interview
being made available. Since this will not be a publicly available document, it may
be included as a transcript within an Appendix in your piece of work.
The citation for this interview should refer to the Appendix.
In an interview (Appendix A) the findings of the report were reviewed and
White agreed with …
In the Appendix you should include details such as:
Interviewee’s name. Year of interview. Title of interview.. Interviewed by …name.
[type of medium/format] Location and exact date of interview . Together with the
Where you are using an interview from a source such as a television
The suggested elements for a reference are:
Interviewee name, and initial(s)., Year of Interview. Title of Interview (or Interview
on ..name of programme)
Interviewed by …name. [type of medium/format] Name of Channel, Date of
transmission, time of
Ahern, B., 1999. Interview on Morning Ireland Interviewed by… John Boyd
[radio] RTE Radio 1, 15 February 1999, 08:30.
An intext reference for the above examples would read:
(Ahern, 1999) ...
4.20 Press release
These may be paper or electronic.
For a paper resource:
Corporate author of press release, Year. Title. Press release and date.
RCN, 2009. RCN praises health care staff as infections continue
to fall. Press release, 18 June 2009.
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 31
Corporate author of press release, Year. Title. [press release] date,
Available at: web address
[Accessed date].
RCN, 2009. RCN praises health care staff as infections continue to fall.
[press release] 18 June 2009, Available at:
[Accessed 23 June 2009].
Anglia Ruskin University
http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm 32
5.1 Websites
For websites found on the worldwide web the required elements for a reference
Authorship or Source, Year. Title of web document or web page. [type of
(date of update if available) Available at: include web site address/URL (Uniform
Resource Locator) [Accessed date].
If the URL appears to be exceedingly long, provide routing details which enable
the reader to access the particular page via the site’s homepage. You may be
taken to a particular page as a result of a search you performed, or be directed
from a link to another place on a website. The resultant URLs may include
specific data about your method of accessing that page that is not available to
your reader. If this is the case use the homepage (from which the reference can
be found).
Static URL
NHS Evidence, 2003. National Library of Guidelines. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 10 October 2009 ]
Dynamic URL
We have highlighted the part of the URL that shows this is a dynamic search. If
this is not available to everyone, use the second example below:
Следващ постинг
Предишен постинг
Няма коментари
Вашето мнение
За да оставите коментар, моля влезте с вашето потребителско име и парола.